A Portfolio website

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Kavindu Hirusha

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Mar 14, 2024

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This project is a portfolio website built using React and Vite.

Key features of the project include:

  • React Framework: The project utilizes React for building user interfaces, enabling the creation of dynamic and interactive components.

  • Vite Build Tool: Vite is employed as the build tool for the project. It offers rapid development and efficient bundling, enhancing the performance of the website.

  • CSS Styles: The entire webpage is styled using Vanilla CSS, offering a customized and visually appealing design that enhances the user experience. By leveraging CSS, the website achieves a consistent and polished look across different browsers and devices, complementing the functionality provided by React components and animations.

  • Particle Effects: The portfolio website incorporates particle effects using the "@tsparticles/react" and "@tsparticles/slim" packages, adding visual appeal and interactivity to the user experience.

  • Animation : Framer Motion, a popular animation library for React applications. Framer Motion is utilized to add motion and animation effects to components, enhancing the overall user experience by bringing elements to life with smooth transitions and visual flair.

Additionally, the project utilizes a JSON file to store information, providing a straightforward way to manage and update content. By editing this JSON file within the source code, users can easily customize the website's content without needing to delve into complex configurations or databases. This approach simplifies content management and enables seamless updates, allowing users to focus on showcasing their portfolio items and information effectively.

Overall, this project demonstrates a modern approach to building a portfolio website, leveraging React for front end development and Vite for efficient bundling and development workflow. The inclusion of particle effects and Framer Motion enhances the visual appeal and interactivity of the website, providing a compelling showcase of the developer's skills and projects.

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  • 📁 A Portfolio website

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